DANCE like no one is watching, SING like no one is listening, and LIVE like there's no tomorrow!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Songs that Warm the Heart

The children took a break from the blistering sun on Tuesday afternoon to jump around at a local inflatable place. As the children were running around and jumping, Thurston, a 5 year-old boy, saw Mrs. Michele. Mrs. Michele was Thurston's preschool choir teacher this past year on Wednesday evenings at church.

As soon as Thurston spotted Mrs. Michele, he ran as fast as he could over to her and exclaimed, "I'm so glad you are here!" Thurston excitedly told Mrs. Michele how he still remembers all the songs that they learned in choir. Thurston then began proudly singing his favorite hymn from this past year, Jesus Loves Me.

There in the middle of all the inflatables my heart smiled seeing Thurston so eager to sing about how much Jesus loves him!

Thurston singing to Mrs. Michele

The children having fun at Jumpits!

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. The best part, is that over the last few months he has also taught his brother his choir songs. I don't think a day goes by that we don't hear Away in a Manger and Jesus Loves Me! You guys all do such a wonderful job teaching and loving these children!!! God is obviously shining through! :)
