Last Monday morning, after weeks of preparation, the time had finally come; it was the start of Vacation Bible School! With music playing in the background and the bubble maker blowing bubbles, I eagerly waited to greet all the children to their first day of VBS. This was my first VBS as Minister to Children and all my expectations were blown away. The 150 children and 80+ volunteers had a fabulous week learning how we can be heroes for God by reaching out to people in our own communities.
All of the children and volunteers that attended VBS were my heroes for participating in our weekly offering. One Wednesday night at Quest this past winter, our children learned about the disease Malaria killing thousands of children each year. The children learned that a simple mosquito net could prevent all of these deaths. Their passion ignited people in our church to host a World Malaria Day Event back in April to raise money for mosquito nets. Through the children's passion to raise money to buy mosquito nets, I decided that our VBS offering should go to purchasing mosquito nets as well. My goal for the week was to raise $500. After an intense competition between the boys and the girls, on the last day of VBS the children raised a total of $1,528 which will purchase 254 nets through an organization called His Nets (!!! I'm so proud of all the children that attended VBS last week and I'm already looking forward to next year!
Enjoy this video documenting the fun times had at the MFBC VBS 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Life passes in a flash...
Time passes so quickly and so many things can happen at once that it makes your head spin. The past three months have been like that for me. Between finishing my seminary career, getting ordained, graduating, transitioning into a full time Minister to Children, beginning summer activities at the church, and moving to Marietta I have neglected to update this blog. Luckily the last three months have been filled with so many wonderful things and I have truly been blessed. I believe that pictures say a thousand words, so instead of me telling you about the last three months, sit back and enjoy taking a glance into my life! :)

The 3rd-5th Graders enjoying our Spring lock-in. One of the highlights of the night was riding the bumper boats and getting soaking wet!
The children preformed at the first annual Children's Music & Arts Spring Showcase. All of the children did a fabulous job preforming all the music that they have been working on during Wednesday Night choir!
The children and their families attended a Braves game in May and helped cheer them on to a victory in the bottom of the 9th!
May 2, 2010 I was ordained into the ministry by my home church, Parkway Baptist Church in Duluth, GA. It was a special time as family and friends came together to affirm the call that God has placed on my life.
May 22, 2010 I graduated from seminary with a Masters in Divinity!
After a busy Spring semester, we kicked off the Summer with a Children's pool party and had some fun in the sun!

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